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November 29, 2007

Straw Poll: How much do you pay for electricity?

In light of my most recent post about the so-called "externalities" of coal-fired power, I thought I might add a participatory element the discussion that'll add some context. So, in the name of 'science' please visit ecopolitology (if you're not already here) and answer one simple poll question: How much do you pay for your electricity? (2 seconds and no strings!)

If you don't know, look at your most recent electric bill. Otherwise you can probably find your rates online. I encourage and welcome votes from all cities, counties, states, provinces, territories and countries. Thanks!

Source: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-861, “Annual Electric Power Industry Report.”(2006)


SantaFeKate said...

I voted in your poll, but I should note that I have agreed to pay an additional $.018 per kWh in order to participate in PNM's "Sky Blue Wind Energy" program. If included, this would actually bump by average monthly cost to a little over $.09. But I'm voting in the .04-.079 category, since that's my base rate.

Timothy B. Hurst said...

That's pretty cheap. I think New Mexico gets about 85% of their power from coal, and there's still a bunch of coal yet to be mined there.

But the rate rider for your wind program is relatively high. In my case, 100 kwh blocks have dropped from $2.50 to $.50 in the last couple of years.

Unknown said...

That map is way outdated for Hawaii.
I believe th cheapest rate in Hawaii for consumer electric is 23 cents per kWh

Here on Maui I'm paying 30.0 cents per kWh.

We import oil and refine it to burn diesel fuel in generators.

Maui does provide about 9% from wind power and maybe another 5% from hydro and biomass. Solar PV makes up about .38% but we have a few MW array going in soon that will bump that up a bit.

Maui's peak demand is in the 200MW range.